Strobe I - Melodramatic yes, but murdered no (195 x 260 cms)

Strobe II - Almost diagonal (160 x 185 cms)

Faded together I - Affect-ive (180 x 180 cms)

Faded together II - Ordinary girls (180 x 180 cms)

Ellipsis for a children's story (180 x 260 cms)

Vertical travelling, into the water already (180 x 180 cms)

Faded together III - Just before the credits (180 x 180 cms)

Like and American night (180 x 180 cms)

Every day I transgress 20 minutes (130 x 195 cms)

Do you think I transgress enough? (130 x 195 cms)

Families that bathe together, stay... pretty clean (130 x 195 cms)

Painting of a painter painting (73 x 100 cms)

Fully stressed fashion victims (73 x 100 cms)

Kiss at the Seine (73 x 100 cms)

Rest in Peace (73 x 100 cms)